Merry Xmas from the Worlds of Amberfyre
It’s starting to feel a lot like Christmas :).
The heat is oppressive, the real-life job workload has quadrupled in the last three weeks, there’s tinsel on the floor and it’s a never-ending job to keep the cat out of the tree.
But I wouldn’t change it for the world.
This year has been one of big changes and moving forward. I managed to plan out three complete novels, have ideas for another four, wrote 12 chapters on a new novel during NANO… actually won NANO. Made lots of new friends on Facebook and Twitter.
Seriously go follow these guys. ElusiveStory, Anne Wheeler and the #turtlewriters on Twitter.
My plans for 2018 is to actually finish Danni & Alix’s story as well as StarDancer. Everyone else is still clambering for me to finish their own stories… I’m getting there guys.
So, It’s a Merry Christmas from me, Danni, Alix & the rest of the crew. Merry Tuile from Star, Krystal, Shallone and Devon, and a Happy Fyayian Fire Festival from Koltan and Calliope.
Thank you for buckling up and joining me on this epic journey. I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride so far and I hope to see you all again in the New Year.
Stay safe and warm in the Northern Hemisphere, and safe and cool in the Southern.